Our Tabletop Game Redesign Approach
We could argue that any design is essentially a redesign. The design of new artifacts builds on designers' perceptions of the usability or unsuitability of current artifacts and possibilities. It is motivated by how a new design could moderately or radically modify what is at hand and enable a new set of possibilities and novel kinds of interactions with the world.
Our approach goes beyond this understanding and argues for the learning potential of explicitly structuring design practices as redesign projects.
We present our research projects with K-12 students, including their board game redesigns for disciplinary and interdisciplinary learning. This aims to showcase the opportunities this approach could provide for individuals and groups to engage with current structures and systems critically, imagine new possibilities and participate in the creation of new systems based on their goals and interests.
Based on our experience in these projects, we have provided some possible tools that could help pursue a learning project with a redesign approach. We invite you to not only examine the incorporation of these tools in your current practice but also share your feedback and thoughts on possible projects and venues for developing this approach. We have also provided the list of publications on each of our previous projects' pages. These works elaborate on our theoretical view of the potential of tabletop game redesign practices and the practical implications of this approach.
The following model demonstrates the main steps of implementing a tabletop game redesign project in learning settings.